In the traditional education paradigm, linear curricula are divided into subjects, packaged for educators and delivered to standardized age cohorts. The focus is on imparting knowledge in long-established categories. Of course, the world outside of school is much more integrated, and the professional world is becoming even more so in an economy increasingly driven by technologies that are “fusing the physical, digital, and biological worlds impacting all disciplines, economies and industries and even challenging ideas about what it means to be human.”
We believe that it is critical for students to view their learning – and subsequently, the construction of their identities – in a holistic way.
Interdisciplinary units that are more accurate reflections of how knowledge is applied in practice, and also allows for more relevant, hands-on, and inquiry-based experiences that connect students to the world around them in meaningful ways.
Weekly Enrichments

A weekly instrument class with Morah Calista, a skilled multi-instrument player who’s love of music shines through in her lessons. Morah Calista teaches us all we need to know to become Ukulele players from the basics on how to hold an instrument, to how to play individual chords to how to play a song.

A weekly physical education class taught by Coach Cisco (Coach C). Here we learn the fundamentals of sports such as Soccer, basketball, hockey and more, as well as learn a variety of games we can play independently while strengthening our coordination, balance, gross motor skills and more.

A weekly class taught by Morah Anya. In this class we continue to explore rhythm and beats while using a variety of instruments such as drums and sticks as well as musical terms and songs.

Puddle Stompers
A bi-monthly, interactive, nature-based class where we explore and learn about the natural world around us. From animals such as owls, bats and mice to plant species we may see.

Art Atelier
The children will have opportunities to use a variety of art materials and allow their creativity to flourish as they create beautiful, unique artwork.

Yoga Studio
Our yoga instructor will help the children stretch their muscles and learn new moves while building strong body and breath awareness as well as cooperative skills and self-confidence.